Why are Older Hollywood Actors Paired with such Young Women?

Why are Older Hollywood Actors Paired with such Young Women?

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Why Are Older Hollywood Actors Paired With Such CURVY NUDE OLDER WOMEN Young Women?

Are Hollywood directors trying to relive their youth, or please the audience?

Why Do Younger Men Like Older Women

Posted February 13, 2018

How To Ask Older Women For Sex

The movie Phantom Thread has been nominated for the 2018 Academy Award for best picture. For his performance in the film, Daniel Day Lewis offers been nominated for the 2018 Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role. The movie focuses on the passionate relationship between a highly successful London dressmaker (played by Daniel Day Lewis) and a waitress (played by Vickie Krieps).

Daniel Day Lewis was born in 1957, whereas the woman who plays his romantic interest, Vickie Krieps, seemed to be born in 1983. Thus, he is 26 years older than her. This type or kind of age spread is not unusual in Movie. In the classic romantic movie Casablanca, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1942, Humphrey Bogart was 43 and Ingrid Bergman was 24. And in Gone with the Wind, which not only acquired multiple Academy Awards in 1939, but gone on to turn out to be one of the highest grossing videos of all moments, Clark Gable was age 37 and his romantic interest, Vivien Leigh, has been 25.

Why Do Some Guys Like Older Women

People magazine’s cover once asked “Why are leading actors matched with costars half their age?” The paper content recommended the likelihood that it had been because Movie owners have a tendency to be more aged men, who are “trying to relive their youth.”

But is the phenomenon of younger women in relationships with older men something unique to the culture of Hollywood?

Young Women Who Like Older Men

Consider Figure 1, which is drawn from people seeking mates on the dating site OKCupid (Rudder, 2014). One of the founders of the website, Christian Rudder, was a math major at Harvard, and he seemed to be able to get some insight into people’s mating preferences by recording the choices made by the website’s millions of users. But guys in their 50s click on girls totally 25 yrs more radiant than themselves. But appear what takes place among aged individuals - women of all ages are usually hitting on images of adult males around their time even now, today with a little inclination for adult males about 2 decades more radiant. Rudder reported that men in their twenties clicked on pictures of women in their age range (on average, about 2 years younger), and that ladies in that years variety clicked on photographs of men around a season old, on average.

So, it’s not just aging Hollywood directors, it’s also aging men in general who are interested in relatively younger women.

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Is it something about American culture more generally perhaps?

Probably not. In fact, across cultures, men marry women around their own age when they are young, but much younger women if they remarry later in life (Kenrick, 2010; Kenrick & Keefe, 1992). Figure 2 shows the ages at men’s and women’s spouses for the Pacific island of Poro between the years 1914 and 1929 (before people on that island had ever seen a Hollywood movie, or even seen many Europeans outside of an occasional missionary). Girls on Poro wedded adult men just a little elderly than themselves irregardless of their time. Young men on Poro married women around their own age. But older men committed women who were almost two decades younger than them (Kenrick & Keefe, 1992). The same pattern was found in Brazilian marriages in 1996 (Otta et al., 1999).

Why Older Women Like Younger Men

These age differences in mating preferences seem to be linked to the fact that women and men seek relatively different resources in their mates. Vickie Kreps’ character, on the other hand, works as a waitress. But she is amazing and young. Note that in the movie Phantom Thread, Morning Lewis’h persona will be very thriving Daniel, wealthy, and well-connected to London’s social elite. Men, on the other hand, tend to seek features that are associated with fertility, such as healthy appearance and relative youth (a woman’s fertility is high in her twenties, but declines as she ages). Women around the world and throughout history have placed relatively more emphasis on a man’s social status and ability to provide resources (which are likely to increase as the man gets older).

This example reminds us once again of the importance of thinking critically when one hears “expert opinion” in the media. It is always important to take a look at the evidence supporting the claims one reads about. In the complete situation of the speculation about more aged masculine owners striving to relive their youngsters, there was no evidence offered. But a look at the research findings on actual mating preferences suggests that it is normal human preferences driving the Hollywood director’s choices, alternatively than the different method around.

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This post coauthored by David Lundberg Kenrick

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Kenrick, D.T. (2011). Sex, murder, and the meaning of life: A psychologist investigates how evolution, cognition, and complexity are revolutionizing our view of human nature. New York: Basic Books.

Kenrick, D. T., & Keefe, R. C. (1992). Age preferences in mates reflect sex differences in human reproductive strategies. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 15(1), 75-91.

Otta, E., da Silva Queiroz, R., de Sousa Campos, L., da Silva, M. W. D., & Silveira, M. T. (1999). Age differences between spouses in a Brazilian marriage sample. Vitamin evolution and Human Behavior, 20(2), 99-103.

Rudder, C. (2014). Dataclysm: Who we are (when we think no one's looking). New York: Random House.

Douglas T. Kenrick, Ph.D., is professor of social psychology at Arizona State University.

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